What is ‘The Shift’?

What is ‘The Shift’?

Kali says that the current destruction and natures upheaval has embodied fear in may hearts about the shift in the earth’s axis. Each is blaming the other for emitting negative energy which is then reflecting in the natures chaotic dance. Kali reminds us that the more we build the fear of the world ending, the more fear we are sending out. Our energy is directly affecting our thoughts and our thoughts have the power to manifest in physical form.

Kali strongly says that the age of women or shakti is arising. Shakti has the power to influence and command nature, thus it becomes all the more important for women to stay calm in these times and tap into their nurturing power to influence the destructive course to nature and calm it.

Women must call upon their inner Buddha and Kali to uproot the unwanted and restore peace in the world. Kali also reminds that this shift will first take place within the heart of a women. She will be given the choice to let go of unwanted and embrace the righteous path of self-love. She will be guided in many ways to break the barriers of fear and find her voice, her own Kali. She will be given chances to meet energies that will inspire a change in her current life and then she will face the inner storm. This will uproot her, cleanse her and finally liberate her. She will go through the storm until she finally realises that she has the power to direct and control the inner storm. She is Kali, she is shakti and she is the goddess of nature.

Kali says that women have been given this honour and they must learn to embrace this responsibility fearlessly. Every woman must realise that she herself is nature; she is the one that can lead the world to see the beauty of nature and not be fearful of its death dance.

She can only do so when she is liberated of fear and has embraced hope of a beautiful world. Women must jointly embrace their nurturing power and focus on the good, the beautiful and the perfect course of nature. They must inspire others to not sway into fear.

The energy has to flow from the destructive power to the restoring and healing power. Kali will dance fearlessly and is asking her tribe to not be fearful of the destruction that comes but rather focus on the music that it brings. Be hopeful and spread love, says Kali.

The voice of Kali


(Book for the empowered woman)
