Spreading inspiration
Kali is an amazing force, bringing an immense peace to the one who learns to play with it and get in tune with its fierce vibrations.
Kali is your inner introspection directional guide, one who shows you the slightest beam of light while passing through inner darkness. She will mock at your surprise as you face your darker side while pursuing through an awakening phase for she understands that a soul that is devoid of any shortcoming is only a celestial who has liberated self from the on-going cycles of death and birth. When Kali comes to souls calling, she brings with her a storm of emotions and experiences. She awakens the dormant feelings of many past births and shakes the essence of your existence.
Once you have lived through the initial chaos and upheaval, once you have faced your inner storm then gradually the sun shines through and you realise that in reality you have been always living a dead life. You awaken with a jolt and sense the energy, the vibrations in just about every being around you. Answers come effortlessly and even though you may have been the most inquisitive logical self, you will find that truly no logic can explain the simple joy that you are feeling. Truth feels so simple and you realise that your place in this universe is as important as that of the sun.
Each one of us is entwined in this web and is an important part of the web that makes the universe. If one link lights up, the others light up automatically. You are an important link of a creation that is as unique as your existence.
Love your Kali
The voice of Kali
(Book for the empowered woman)
(Book for the empowered woman)
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